Review – This All Ends Horribly by Mike Salt

Welcome back to Dark Reads, today I have a review for This All Ends Horribly by Mike Salt.

I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of this book, so many thanks to Mike for that. This is a Splatterpunk book so check your triggers if you need to.

This All Ends Horribly is Mike Salts first venture into Splatterpunk and I have to say he has totally nailed it, this is full throttle Splatter from the first page to the last!

The story follows a group of friends who have been away on a holiday to Disneyworld, they are just arriving home not knowing the utter nightmare they are about to walk into. While they were away a mysterious package has been left on their doorstep which has turned the house into a portal to hell.

This book has everything! Entities, torture and full on gore, I will never be able to look at a potato peeler in the same way again. This is a really good example of how you can fit a lot of story into short book, it is full on carnage all the way through. It gave me Hellraiser x 13 Ghosts on acid vibes, and 1 loved it!

As well as the gore this one had some really creepy imagery as well. There were a point in the story where the characters were looking at the property’s CCTV footage to try and figure out what was going on, and as they were watching what had just happened, nothing had actually happened as they thought it had. I found that really creepy.

Another unique thing with this book was at the beginning of each chapter there was a QR code, make sure to scan these.

They give a plot background and a sub-plot via images, social media feeds and news articles etc

Loved this book, easy ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me and I hope we see more Splatterpunk from Mike Salt really soon!

You can check out my TikTok review here.

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